Lily's HomeTM Multi Bit LED Pocket Screwdriver

Cheap "Lily's HomeTM Multi Bit LED Pocket Screwdriver" Deals

Lily's HomeTM SW866 Reviews, Product about Lily's HomeTM Multi Bit LED Pocket Screwdriver. Select the desired product for you. Lily's HomeTM SW866 for sale. Choose more...
By Brand: Lily's HomeTM
Asin Product: B0071N6CBU

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"Lily's HomeTM SW866 Reviews"

"Lily's HomeTM Multi Bit LED Pocket Screwdriver" Detail

  • Bright White LED to light up your work area
  • 6 CRV Steel bits stored inside the handle for easy access
  • 3 Phillips Head bits and 3 flat head bits
  • Replaceable batteries (4 x LR41 / AG3) included
  • Pocket clip