Leatherman 78105003K Juice XE6-Pocket Multi-Tool, Thunder Purple

Cheap "Leatherman 78105003K Juice XE6-Pocket Multi-Tool, Thunder Purple" For Sale

Leatherman 78105003K Reviews, Product about Leatherman 78105003K Juice XE6-Pocket Multi-Tool, Thunder Purple. Select the desired product for you. Leatherman 78105003K for sale. Choose more...
By Brand: Leatherman
Asin Product: B0007UQ18I

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"Leatherman 78105003K Reviews"

"Leatherman 78105003K Juice XE6-Pocket Multi-Tool, Thunder Purple" Feature

  • Multi-purpose tool with 16 implements; 25-year limited warranty
  • Serrated knife, saw blade, diamond-coated file, and awl for a wide variety of applications
  • Anodized aluminum exterior handles for maximum durability
  • Blades snap into place for optimal safety
  • 3.2-inch frame; weighs 6.8 ounces; 25-year warranty