8 in 1 Pocket Multi-Tool Pliers Screwdriver LED Light

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You are interested in 8 in 1 Pocket Multi-Tool Pliers Screwdriver LED Light You come right!! Good 8 in 1 Pocket Multi-Tool Pliers Screwdriver LED Light Product is low prices and best quality guarantee shipping!!

By Brand: Ufener
Asin Product: B005UKRK4E

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"Ufener Reviews"

"8 in 1 Pocket Multi-Tool Pliers Screwdriver LED Light" Detail

  • Brand new 8 in 1 multi-function pocket tool
  • Small size, portable and foldable
  • With LED flashlight

"8 in 1 Pocket Multi-Tool Pliers Screwdriver LED Light" Overview

8 in 1 multi-function tool:
Pliers, wire cutter, knife, phillips screwdriver, saw, flat screwdriver, bottle opener and LED flashlight

Dimension: 7 x 3.2 x 1.4 cm (when folded)
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